Размер шрифта: A A A
Цвет сайта: A A A A
Type of card: Debit card
Issue: 50 000 UZS
Time of issue: 3 working days
Transfer of funds to cards of the JSCB Kapitalbank: up to 0,7%
Cash withdrawal at the cash department of the JSCB Kapitalbank: 0%
Cash withdrawal from ATMs of the JSCB Kapitalbank: 1,0%
Cash withdrawal outside the Republic of Uzbekistan: Unavailable
Transaction processing: 0%
Card account maintenance: Free
Last modified date: 12/23/2024

Plastic cards of JSCB "Kapitalbank" - it is modern and convenient!

Purchasing UZS plastic cards of the Bank the clients are provided with the high level of service and comfort.

Along with the plastic card of JSCB "Kapitalbank", you purchase:

  • Security of settlements and safekeeping of funds
  • Saving of time for counting money in the settlements
  • No need to carry large bundle of notes
  • Accuracy at the settlements

Sphere of JSCB "Kapitalbank’s" cards application. Through the use of the cards you may:

  • Pay for goods and services in the enterprises of trade and service where trading terminals are installed
  • Get cash at the banks’ cash department and through automatic cash dispensers (only by the cards of individuals)
  • Transfer funds from the card to settlement account of legal entities and individuals, for example, for the education of your children at the Institute.
  • Transfer funds to the card. For example, to charge wages, dividends or royalties
  • Deposit cash to the card account
  • Pay for public utilities

Bank’s service / condition for provision of the service

Rate of commission fee to the Bank charged to the Client for the transactions performed by the Bank


a) The issuance of the primary or additional card 50 000 UZS Except for:
a) issuing a card when making a term deposit

Blocking the card in the case of loss or deterioration

No charge applied
c) Re-issue of the primary and additional cards in the case of loss or deterioration 50 000 UZS Excluding cases of the card failure for reasons beyond the control of a client
d) Period of validity of the card 5 years
e) Cash deposit: No charge applied
f) Transactional processing on manual cash in the cash desk of the «KAPITALBANK” JSCB No charge applied
g) Transactional processing on merchandise and service payment in the terminals network of the «KAPITALBANK” JSCB No charge applied
h) Transactional processing on manual cash from the card account in the cash desk of another bank or through automatic teller machine(ATM) of another bank At the rate of the servicing bank
i) Transactional processing on merchandise and service payment in the terminals network of other banks At the rate of the servicing bank
j) Cashless transfer from the card account as referenced by card holder 0.5% of the transaction amount (at least UZS 5,000, but not more than UZS 100,000) for each transaction With the exception of:
1. Transferring funds to accounts of individuals / legal entities / individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, opened in the structural divisions of JSCB "Kapitalbank";
2. When transferring to the accounts of non-governmental non-profit organizations (VAQF.UZ, Nogiron-Bolalari Kamalak Uyi, Kind people and the like) (charity);
3. When paying for medical services of the Republican Multidisciplinary Medical Center named after. U. Khalmuratov
k) Non-cash remmittance from the card of one individual to the card of another individual 0,5% from the payment amount
l) Re-issue of a card upon the expiration of the card (in the same month and the following month) No charge applied
Information not available
  • Statement
  • Original identity document
  • Agreement between the Bank and an individual
Operating days in card departments:
  • HUMO Card opening - to 5 p.m.
  • HUMO Cards cash withdrawal - to 4p.m.,
  • Other operations - to 5 p.m.


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