Размер шрифта: A A A
Цвет сайта: A A A A
Type of card: Debit card
Card issuance and servicing: Free
Transfer of funds to cards of the JSCB Kapitalbank: 0%
Cash withdrawal at the cash department of the JSCB Kapitalbank: 0%
Cash withdrawal from ATMs of the JSCB Kapitalbank: 0%**
Cash withdrawal outside the Republic of Uzbekistan: 2%*
Last modified date: 12/12/2024

* Cash withdrawal outside the Republic of Uzbekistan is made at the exchange rate of the bank at the time of transaction;
**up to 10 million UZS per month – no commission is charged, over 10 million UZS – 0.7%

Visa Sum is a universal card with which you can pay for purchases in both local and foreign currency. It supports payment systems Visa, Uzcard, Humo.


Banking Service / Terms of Service

The rate of the commission remuneration of the Bank charged from the customer performance of the transactions by the Bank



When ordering via mobile app with pickup via delivery 0 (zero) UZS
b) Issue of the additional card 30 000 UZS
c) When ordering through a mobile application with delivery by prior request 105 000 UZS The card is issued with a negative balance (fee for issuing and delivering the card)
d) Card validity period 5 years
e) Reissue of the card due to the card expiration, within a month before or a month after the card expiration Free of charge
f) Reissue of the card due to the card expiration, within a month before or a month after the card expiration 10,000 UZS
g) Reissue of the card due to:

Loss 30,000 UZS


Changing the cardholder's name

Changing the PIN code

h) Minimum balance on the card account, which is not available for use on the card



Minimum initial deposit to the card account (fully available for use after card activation) 50,000 UZS

105,000 UZS If the order is made via Kapitalbank mobile app
j) Card account maintenance Commission - free

Processing of cash receipt transactions:

- through the cash desks of JSC “Kapitalbank” Commission - free

- through ATMs of JSCB “Kapitalbank” - up to 10 million UZS per month – no commission is charged, over 10 million UZS – 0.7%;
k) Processing of transactions for receipt of cash in other banks Other bank’s rate
l) Processing of transactions for payment for goods and services in and outside the service network of JSCB “Kapitalbank” Commission - free

For payments by cards of JSCB Kapitalbank on MSS 6051 1%


Maintaining a bank card account in terms of investigation of the account and operations

- up to 100 USD Commission - free

- from 100 USD (inclusive) Commission - free
n) Fee for blocking a card with the "stolen or lost" sign Commission - free
o) Connection and maintenance of 3D Secure service (provided only if the client is connected to the SMS informing service) Commission - free
p) Money transfers to other cards issued by JSCB “Kapitalbank” Commission - free

Visa card is the key to access to your account where your money is stored. Observing the following main precautions while using this card enables to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access of your account.

  • To avoid using your card by another person, keep the PIN-code separately from the card, do not write the PIN-code on the card, do not give the PIN-code to any other people. When typing the PIN-code on the electronic terminal or ATM you should do in the way so it is not visible to others what being entered. 

  • Verify periodically the transactions on the card account - this can be done with the help of the bank statements, through the Kapitalbank mobile application, as well as using the free SMS notification service, by sending an SMS message to short number 2212. In case of detection of suspicious or unusual transactions, immediately inform the bank. The list of SMS information instructions is available here-> INSTRUCTION

  • In case of loss of the card (theft, seizure) or if information about the PIN-code or card details became available to third parties, immediately put the card on the STOP list using the SMS notification service by sending the SMS message to short number 2212 and also immediately contact “Kapitalbank” JSCB and inform about the loss of the card either verbally or in a written form.

  • To avoid fraud with your card, require the transactions to be carried out only in your presence, do not let take it out of your field of vision.

  • While withdrawing cash at the ATM, make sure that the ATM is installed in a well-illuminated place or a special room of the bank, do not carry out transactions with the ATMs that are installed in deserted places. Examples of installing facilities for sensing card details.

  • Statement
  • Original identity document
  • Agreement between the Bank and an individual
Operating days in card departments:
  • VISA Card opening - to 4 p.m.
  • Other operations - to 5 p.m.


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