At what age can a person open bank deposit independently?
Updated 7 December 2018 г. 17:49
Starting from16 years old upon presentation of passport
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Based on which document submitted by a depositor is the account opened?
Updated 7 December 2018 г. 17:48
Based on Application filled upon presentation of identity document
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Can I open a deposit in your bank using funds from card issued by other bank?
Updated 7 December 2018 г. 17:48
Yes, you can. We will open Kapitalbank sum card where interest shall be accrued.
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How long does it take to open or close a deposit?
Updated 7 December 2018 г. 17:47
10 to 30 minutes
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What accounts shall I have to open fixed-term deposit?
Updated 7 December 2018 г. 17:47
Fixed-term deposit account and demand deposit account
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What accounts shall I have to open savings account?
Updated 7 December 2018 г. 17:47
Savings deposit account and demand deposit account
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What document is issued to depositor when opening a deposit?
Updated 18 October 2019 г. 11:59
Savings book and one copy of the application for opening a term deposit
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Who can manage a deposit opened in the name of minor until he is 14?
Updated 7 December 2018 г. 17:48
Depositor - parent, guardian
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