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Limits and restrictions on incoming SWIFT money transfers
Updated 23 August 2023 г. 10:03
There are no limits on incoming SWIFT money transfers, and the Customer can make a transfer to his/her settlement accounts in a currency that is convenient to him/her. Also, when crediting incoming transfers from foreign banks to the accounts of non-resident customers, in case of amounts exceeding USD 10,000 (at a time or in the aggregate within a month) or incoming transfers from legal entities, the Customer will have to provide documents on the origin and legality of the incoming funds, for example copies of the contracts or invoices confirming the incoming transfer (after the receipt of funds, the relevant employees of the Bank will also contact the Customer with the request).
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Limits or restrictions on outgoing SWIFT money transfers
Updated 23 August 2023 г. 10:03
There are daily transfer limits for outgoing SWIFT money transfers made by individuals in the amount of UZS 100,000,000 (equivalent to ~ USD 9,000) at a time. The commission for a money transfer through this system is 0.5% of the transaction amount (at least UZS 100,000 ~ USD 10, but not more than 20 reference calculation value (RCV), 1 RCV is UZS 300,000) + commission of the intermediary bank (in case of USD, it is at least USD10, in case of other currencies, it is charged in accordance with the statement of the Correspondent Bank).
At the moment, SWIFT transfers can be also made in USD and RUB only.
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Terms of resumption of SWIFT money transfer functions in Kapitalbank mobile application
Updated 12 January 2023 г. 16:16
At the moment there’s no exact information about the terms of resumption of this function.
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What documents can be provided as confirmation of the funds of incoming money transfers?
Updated 23 August 2023 г. 10:07
  1. A complete electronic copy of the real estate purchase agreement with a copy of the cadastre certificate from the state register, a complete vehicle purchase agreement.
  2. A statement from the Bank confirming the existence of deposit (settlement) accounts or their early closure, as well as certificates confirming the origin of these funds before they are credited to deposit accounts (preferably 2 personal income tax certificates, contracts concluded with employers, copies of purchase and sale documents, etc.)
  3. Copies of agreements or invoices on behalf of legal entities, it is also desirable to have certificates confirming the amount of taxes paid on these types of earnings.
  4. Certificates confirming the legality of the origin of funds on behalf of the Sender (Borrower), as well as preferably a bilateral loan agreement with confirmation provided by all the entities/individuals involved.
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What to do if the recipient’s requisites are incorrect when the money transfer is made by the sender?
Updated 12 January 2023 г. 16:15
The sender bank should send the required data for correcting the transfer details in order to review and make corrections by the processing center of JSCB “Kapitalbank”.
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